Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sleepy 5-year Anniversary morning & 37w3d belly pic

We're in the home stretch! This morning I gave Ben his anniversary present. The traditional anniversary gift for 5 years is wood, so I decorated a wooden box for us to keep all of our cards to each other. It's a love note box. :)

I have to wait for my gift, since Ben is going to be slaving away in the kitchen for several house later today to cook me a special anniversary dinner. It's a surprise menu, although I have a feeling the dessert will involve my favorite ~ coconut!!!

It's been awhile since we posted a belly pic, so this morning I had Ben take one for me. I had my 37-week OB appointment this past Monday, and I had actually lost 2 pounds. Yay!

Congratulations to Doula Molly & Tim!!!

I'm sorry I've been a little behind in my posts....Some exciting things have been happening! Molly and Tim got engaged last weekend on Saturday night. Her ring is incredibly beautiful and we are so happy for them! They're thinking of a May 2009 wedding. We can't wait! :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The process has started!!!

At my 36-week appointment yesterday, my OB did a cervix check and annouced that I am 1cm dialated! This is very exciting news to Ben and I since now we know the process has officially begun. YAY!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Summer BBQ

This weekend we had our friends over for a BBQ and a little friendly Cornhole competition. I was having fun playing with the adorable babies, and slacked a bit on my picture-taking, so I unfortunately didn't get any shots of the Cornhole game in progress. (Ben did a great job with the burgers and dogs, but at one point we had a bit of a grease fire because he was a little more focused on the game than the grill!) But Cornhole lasted until it was dark, when the game moved to the front sidewalk where there was more light from the front house lights. (I have a feeling we'll be playing a lot of this lawn game in the years to come.)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ben the Builder

My husband is so handy! He built this VT/JMU cornhole game in 1 week! Ben is very excited to show it off tonight at our BBQ. We'll see if he is as good at playing it as he was at building it. :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

What's your guess???

We're almost 35 weeks, so with 5 weeks (or less!) to go, we thought we'd do a guessing post. Whoever can correctly guess baby boy's closest arrival date, weight, and length will win a prize!

Ben and I would like to guess first. :)

Ben - September 8th; 7 lbs, 10 oz; 20 in.
Jenn - August 30th; 7 lbs, 8 oz; 19 in.

Friday, August 8, 2008

I think Riley has a girlfriend

Tonight we were watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics and heard a weird meow from Riley who was in the foyer. I went to see what he was meowing about and found a peach-colored long-haired kitty outside looking in the window longingly at Riley. They were cute meowing to each other through the window.

I tried to get a good shot of her, but this was the best I could do through the window.

YAY! Erica is home!

Erica is finally home from Budapest!!! YAY! We are so happy to have her home. Greg gets home tomorrow. They are house-hunting in Alexandria, and while we're sad they won't live next door like they did before they left for Kuwait, we'll easily settle for having them in the same state. :)

Tonight Erica came over to catch up and see our new house. We went out to dinner at Clyde's in Ashburn, our new favorite hangout. Ben can't wait to take Greg there so they can do some "cougar watching".

Saturday, August 2, 2008

33w4d belly pic

I know, I've been slacking on posting belly pics. I guess I'm just feeling really BIG. At my last appointment my OB told us that he is head down, which is good. On August 28th we'll be full-term, so I'm wondering if he'll arrive on our 5-yr wedding anniversary (8/30/08)???

Tim & Andrea's SURPRISE baby shower!

Tim & Andrea were in town for a visit this weekend. We got to hang out Thursday evening and had a great time visiting two of Ashburn's local restaurants ~ The Ashburn Steakhouse & Sports Theater (for appetizers) and Clyde's (for dinner). (Pregnant mommas need to EAT!) :)

We had fun catching up and talking about our future babies and how we were going to plan an arranged marriage. This being the case, when Andrea gave us their list of their top 10 name choices, we joked about how her first name needs to go well with Marshall since they'll be married one day.

Friday morning we went to breakfast at our local bagel shop, then the girls were off for manicure/pedicures, and the boys went to see The Dark Knight. Then Andrea was off to DC for her sister's bachelorette party and Ben, Tim and I went to Fairfax to meet up with Eric & Lauren for a mexican dinner.

The guys went out after dinner to meet up with Mike, and I went home to rest up. In the morning Andrea met us back at our place to pick up Tim and head to her parent's house in West Virginia for her sister's bridal shower later that evening. Little did she know that we would be close behind them to make it in time for her surprise baby shower!

She was so surprised!!! The baby shower was so much fun. Erin and her mom did such a good job planning. We ate and watched Andrea & Tim open lots of presents, and then played some games. My favorite was the "guess the baby food" game. The look on Ben's face after trying Mystery baby food #3 was priceless.

We are so happy for them and can't wait to travel to Houston in February to visit our son's future fiance. :)