Yesterday Owen turned 7 weeks old! I cannot believe how fast the time is passing. I thought we should celebrate by bringing back our old tradition of having date nights on Friday since we hadn't been on a date (just the two of us) since before he was born. We are so lucky to have family and friends close who don't mind babysitting for a few hours for us. Last night Aunt Hillary, Ta-ta & Pa-pa came over to spend some quality time with Owen while Ben and I had a night out.
We're going to try to do this weekly, as those with children know that it is good to take a few hours off every once in awhile. :)
Here's our picture that Hillary took before we left the house:

Here we are the restaurant ~ we picked Clyde's in Ashburn ~ our new favorite restaurant. I was cheesy and asked our sweet waitress to take our picture after I told her we were out on our first date since Owen was born:

After dinner, Ben treated me to ice cream at Maggie Moo's! We shared an ice cream with 2 mix-in's ~ I chose snow caps and Ben chose one of his favorites: Reese's pieces. It was yummy and such a sweet way to end the date.
When we got home, Owen was asleep in Pa-Pa's arms. Priceless. :)

I'm looking forward to the next time we get to do "date night"!