Hillary had the brilliant idea to head out west to a nearby farm to go strawberry picking this morning! We drove out early and were able to easily find the farm down a long gravel road. There were lots of people out picking, but there were still tons of beautiful plump strawberries for us to find.
Aunt Hillary brought a little bucket especially for Owen to collect his strawberries in. He did so well! At first he would pick any and all strawberries he'd find, including the under-ripe white ones. But once we told him to only pick the red ones (his favorite color!), he then was filling up his bucket with nice ripe berries. He would drop about 5 or 6 strawberries in his bucket before walking over to mine or Hillary's and dumping them into the bigger bucket.
We came home with about 4 pounds of delicious fresh strawberries and I'm planning on making a strawberry pie to bring to our neighborhood Memorial Day picnic tomorrow. It was a very fun morning. Owen was so tuckered out, he took a 3-hour nap this afternoon! Good thing too since we'll be out tonight at our community summer kick-off party. Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone!