Last night around 11pm I started having painful contractions. They were pretty frequent, so we called my doctor who said to go into the hospital just to be safe. Aunt Hillary woke up and drove over to spend the night with Owen who was sleeping peacefully.
We got to the hospital at midnight and were checked into triage. Got hooked up to the lovely monitors again and found out I was having contractions 3 minutes apart lasting about 30-50 seconds. My doctor came about an hour later and checked my cervix which was about 1.5 cm dialated, but she wasn't concerned because with second babies that can happen and it doesn't mean much. It would mean something however, if it changed over the next few hours. She said if she found that I was in labor (cervix changing and contractions continuing), then she would go ahead with the C-section. I asked if it were a 50-50 chance we'd have a baby tonight, and she said it was more likely we'd get to go home, but there was a chance.
But the first thing we needed to do was to stop the contractions. So we had to try to get comfortable. Yeah, right. I was given an IV for fluids, and then a dose of medicine in pill form to try to stop the contractions. An hour later, they were still going strong. Another dose, another hour, same thing. The third dose finally did it. About an hour after taking it, my contractions died down. The nurse checked my cervix again to make sure it hadn't changed, which it had not, and we were discharged.
It took awhile to get out of the hospital because we were discharged during shift change. So by the time we got home it was almost 9am. I hadn't slept a wink and Ben had only gotten a tiny bit of sleep because all there was in the room for him was a chair to try and sleep in. Not comfortable at all. So Ben took Owen to school for the day, then took the day off to sleep. I slept for 4 hours then stayed in bed and worked from home the rest of the day.
It was a bit of a scare since I'm still a month away from my actual due date. On top of that, we are still trying to finish setting up her room, complete Owen's room, organize the house somewhat, and yes, pick a name. :)
When I woke up around 1pm and called my mom, I found out that Mike and Lindsey were in the hospital and she was in labor! So funny that there was a chance the cousins could have been born the same day. Luckily they won't have to share their birthdays.