I can't believe three months have actually gone by! Our baby girl gets bigger every day and she's starting to do lots of new things. I can never pick just one picture from her monthly photoshoot, so here's her 3-mo collage.

Here's what she's been up to this month:
* Eating 5 oz bottles every three to four hours during the day
* Still getting up once a night (sometimes two) for a bottle, usually around 1:30am
* Wakes up around 7am (give or take an hour)
* Takes three to four naps a day, but not really on a regular schedule, they just fall where they do each day
* Wearing 3-6 month clothes, some 6-month outfits that run on the small side
* Wearing size 3 diapers, but Mommy is still trying to use up the leftover size 1's meaning more frequent diaper changes for another week :)
* Prefers being held sitting up holding hands or standing and usually coos when we do this
* Cooing and smiling a lot more than before ~ we LOVE this!
* Enjoys the sling (it was awesome for airport travel) and the Baby Bjorn
* Still using her Soothie paci for naps and bedtime (and periodically throughout the day when she needs it)
* Has used the Bumbo a few times, but still needs to strengthen her neck more before she can use it solo
* Always smiles when Owen comes over to her and loves when he gives her kisses