Each month when it comes time to post the "sticker-picture", I get a little sad. Our baby girl is growing up so fast! Here's what she's been up to lately:
* Wearing mostly 12-month clothes
* Wearing size 4 diapers in daytime, size 6 overnights
* Drinking 4 7-oz bottles a day
* Eating cereal/fruit for breakfast, Veggie for dinner
* Loves Mum-mums and fruit in her mesh feeder
* Has fun eating Cheerios before dinner
* Drinks water from a sippy cup
* Sleeps with her paci and sleepy giraffe
* Is pretty serious-faced most of the time (see pic above) and is a challenge to get her to giggle, but we try our best every day :)
* Crawling all over the place!
* Started pulling herself to standing - can almost do it!
* Started talking! Says da-da the most, and some other sounds.
* Has lots of fun at the pool - wants to splash and blow bubbles
* LOVES her brother so much ~ huge smiles and giggles for him all the time
Can't believe that in just four months she'll be a year old already! Where does the time go???