It was a nice relaxing 4th, and I must admit, I am very glad we got to see the fireworks. We both commented how it would be our last 4th of July as just the two of us. Next year we'd have a 9 & 1/2 month old. Wow. It still seems kindof unreal.
This morning I woke up with a craving for chocolate chip pancakes. Of course, we did not have any of the necessary ingredients in the house, but my amazing husband (who doesn't even really like chocolate chip pancakes himself) said he'd go to the store to get the stuff so I could feed my craving. (No, you can't have him.)
I had a yummy breakfast and then made a phone call to Babies R Us to see if they accept competitor's coupons. They do! That was great news, because I had a 20% off coupon from Buy Buy Baby that I wanted to use on my breast pump, but didn't feel like driving all the way to Springfield. So I left Ben in front of his laptop playing WOW with my brother and their other geeky friends, and made a quick trip to BRU for the pump. After the coupon and giftcards from Tim & Andrea and Mike & Lindsey, my $330 pump came to $230! Those things never go on sale, so I got a great deal.
We had lunch when I got home, then eagerly went to work on the wall paper in the baby's room. It was a little tricky getting started, but once we got the hang of it, we were on a roll! It took about 4 hours all together, but I definitely think it was worth the time and effort. It's wall paper that looks like a beadboard treatment. We worked really well as a team (after a teeny bit of arguring in the beginning) and I'm so proud that we're creating the nursery together.

I'm excited for Ben to work on the chair rail moulding tomorrow! Hopefully he'll be able to put it up and then we'll just need to paint the moulding and the baseboard before the room is ready for the furniture!!!
1 comment:
Your comment about how unreal it is that this is the last July 4th fireworks with just the two of you reminded me of how crazy it was that Justin and I celebrated our first anniversary with Drea! HAHA! :D
It's good to know that Babies 'R' Us accepts competitor coupons.
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