Sunday we celebrated Easter by going to an early mass (8:45am) but apparently not early enough as it was so crowded that we had to stand. When Owen first woke up we took him downstairs and he found the Easter basket that the Easter bunny left for him. He LOVED the special soccer ball fan toy that my mom and dad sent him and it served as great entertainment during church since it was quiet.

After church we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Marshall's for an Easter egg hunt and lunch. The Easter bunny had a lot of help from Aunt Hillary, who filled and hid 40 plastic eggs for Owen to find. He had a ball! He would find one, pick it up and say, "I wonder what's in this Easter egg Mommy!" and would make us open it and show him before he went on to the next egg saying he would "save that for tomorrow" as he dropped it in his basket. (That was what we told him to do so that he wouldn't ruin his appetite for dinner and it worked like a charm!). We got to play with Aunt Hillary's new puppy Maggie who is such a sweet pup. By the end of the afternoon Owen was feeding her out of his hand.

The weather was gorgeous, so we hung out outside while Owen searched for all the eggs, then headed inside for a yummy lunch/dinner that they had prepared. Everything was delicious and then there were two cakes for dessert! Easter bunny coconut cake that Hillary made and a chocolate tea biscuit cake (a Royal treat in celebration of the Royal wedding!) which Curt made. Both were amazing. Owen especially liked the green coconut grass. :)
Grandma, Aunt Hillary and Grandpa spoiled the kids with lots of Easter gifts and the Easter bunny left Owen his very own Easter basket at their house too! They made it a very special day for us all and we thank them very much.
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