He was a little shy at first, but once he got into the water he became Mister Swimmer Man within a few minutes. His teacher would take turns with the two of them (there can be up to 4 in his class at a time, but there was only one other little boy this morning). Once when she took the other boy to have him kick while she held him, Owen jumped right in and started swimming towards her. I think it took her by surprise. Guess I should have warned her that he just finished his ISR course and he's pretty brave in the water now.

All in all, he had fun. I think he probably could move up to the next level and we'll see what they say next week. Because at one point his teacher was having him float while holding him and he was playing with a toy in his hands while he floated - it's a piece of cake to him now.
Looking forward to seeing his swimming skills blossom over these next couple of months.
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