Thursday, November 13, 2008

2-month checkup

Owen went in to see the pediatrician this morning for his 2-month checkup. We found out that he is in the:

50th percentile for Weight at 11#4oz
70th percentile for Height at 23.25 inches
40th percentile for Head size at 15.5 inches

He's a BIG BOY! :)

Then he got his first round of shots. 4 all together. He screamed during the shots, but was okay afterwards since we had half a bottle left to finish. We were given instructions to rub the bandaid during each diaper change. Let me just tell you that it breaks my heart every time, and I don't think I'll be doing much more of it because he sobs and tears stream down his face!

Here is a picture that summed up this afternoon well:

I'm praying tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

Piggy said...

No one's told us to do that, but even if they did, I wouldn't want to do that either! Drea experienced all the side effects of her one-year shots and it made us wonder whether it was worth it 'cause she had never gotten sick before the shots.