Thursday, September 30, 2010

An evening in Labor & Delivery

I have been taking a Zumba class once a week over my lunchbreak at work. I do the modified moves for low impact, and I'm doing it because I wanted to keep my weight gain under control this time around.

So it started mid-class and continued afterwards, through the night and all day Friday - mega BH contractions that never seemed to let up. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but when I told Molly, she said I needed to call my doctor because I might be in pre-term labor and they could give me something to stop the contractions.

So of course when I called my doc, she said to go to L&D. Thank goodness my mom and dad had just arrived a few hours before - they were staying the night with us on their way back down to FL. Owen loved seeing his Grandma and Poppy! Ben and I went over to the hospital and got checked into a triage room and the nurse hooked me up to the monitor. She saw right away that I was having 20-40sec contractions a few minutes apart. They sent my urine sample to the lab, hooked me up to an IV for fluids, and there we sat for a couple of hours. During that time, the nurse checked my cervix (which was closed) and did the pre-term labor cervix-swab test. We waited for the results and thank goodness they came back negative. The doctor came in and said they would give me a shot (or 2 or 3!) to stop the contractions. After the first shot, I got shakey (they told me that would happen) and once the shakes went away (took about 20min), the contractions stopped.

I felt so much better! Braxton Hicks contractions are suncomfortable. I had to be on bedrest for 24 hrs so I worked from home yesterday and Ben stayed home with Owen since he's still fighting some kind of virus that he's been dealing with all week. My doc said no more zumba, but that I can keep doing the prenatal pilates class I'm doing.

Now I'm being more careful and am resting if I feel the BH contractions coming on. We need baby girl to stay in my tummy for at least another 10 weeks!

1 comment:

sbruscia said...

Cook a little longer baby girl! Glad to hear everything is under control now.