Friday, November 26, 2010

Talking back

Last Friday we went out to dinner as a family. We had a lovely time - Owen was so well-behaved and we were able to have a relaxing meal together. At the end of dinner he did start to get antsy, and was standing up in his highchair. I said, "Sit down Owen" to which he replied:

"Mommy, stop talking."

Ben and I both looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. This was the first time he ever talked back. Today, he started a new form of talking back, and it's even more entertaining.

After lunch, I said, "Okay bud, let's go upstairs to take your nap." He looked me straight in the eye and said, "No, I'm not taking a nap." Ha! I said, "Owen, we take a nap every day at this time." He replied, "I'm not sleepy."

He did nap. For almost 3 hours. When he woke up, Ben went to get him and asked if he was sick (he's been ooozing snot all day). "No, I'm not sick." Then he and came downstairs, I said, "Owen, would you like some water?" and he said, "No, I'm not hungry". Close enough.

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