Wednesday, April 2, 2008

16 week belly pic ~ I can't suck it in anymore

Strangers are starting to notice that I am expecting. I guess it's pretty obvious from the size of my belly. It's ginormous. But I'm enjoying it. Everything except the fact that practically nothing fits me anymore.

Frannie took this picture for me. It's my last night at Hotel Silbert and I'm sad to be leaving. I've had such a good time staying with my adoptive mom and dad these past 10 days.

Ben and I are very excited about tomorrow. We close at 9am and then will be picking up Riley from Aunt/Doula Molly's. I'm sure he'll be sad to leave her and will be confused in the new place for awhile. We met the seller of our new place tonight and she left us her "invisable fence" which she said also works on cats. So Riley might get a taste of the great outdoors sometime soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... you definitely look pregnant! Congrats on the news but can the world really handle another Ben Marshall?