Monday, March 15, 2010


We've noticed (Ben especially) how certain words that Owen says will sound to us like other words. For example, he has a hard time making the "k" sound. So when you say to him, "Owen, look at all the kids!", "tits" is what he repeats back to you. Ben is trying to get him to say, "Nice kids". AKA, nice tits. That's my husband's humor for ya.

Tonight Ben was taking Owen up for his bath and his blue elephant towel was still in the dryer. Ben asked when I would bring it up. I said, "It's in the dryer. I'll bring it up to you in a second." Owen repeated, "suck it". I, of course, heard our son say "second". Ben heard what he thought was hilarious.

As you can tell from this post, we're having to watch what we say very carefully these days. Let me just say that I'm trying to take my friend Andrea's approach to swearing. Cheese and rice!


abruscia said...


Wendy said...

This made me laugh so hard! My friend's son always said 'truck' with an 'f' sound instead of 'tr'.

Being us... said...

This was too funny!!! My little guy used to say DIE instead of BYE....people would look at me like my son was crazy! Cause of course he would tell everyone and anything DIE (BYE) when we were leaving a store, someones house, etc...