Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Thank you Pinterest

I love Pinterest.

I pin lots of things, and yes of course, most of them never happen. But there have been a bunch that I've tried {recipes, kid projects, sewing projects, etc} which have been really cool and I may never have known about them if it weren't for Pinterest.

I thought I'd help our new babysitter out by coming up with a few activities the kids could try to mix things up a bit. So today after work we tried out two things: dropping food-colored vinegar into a pan of baking soda and playing "hair salon". Each activity held the kids' interest for 45minutes to an hour, which in my eyes, is a success!

I loved how the vinegar/baking soda experiment was both a fine-motor skills project and an art project in one. And the hair salon activity was just fun. I was actually surprised that Owen was interested in playing. It was cute to see them doing the other's hair. They even did my hair at the end and I got to answer the door to greet the UPS guy with clippies all in my hair. So fun.

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