Thursday, July 12, 2012


Today the kids and I headed out to the farm to get our weekly box of fruits & veggies. I look forward to this outing each and every week. I love the thirty minute drive out to the countryside because it's my time to think and relax while the kids nap or just gaze quietly out the window. When we get there, we usually have a little wait for the hayride to the orchards or berry bushes. We apply sunscreen and hydrate, and I'll take some pictures. It was so hot today that I let Vivi go in just a onesie. It was a stylish look, let me tell you. But at least she was cool.

We get to pick several things each week as a bonus to take home in addition to our box. This week it was a quart of blackberries, 5 peaches, and a 1/2 pint of cherry tomatoes. Vivi was awesome at picking the blackberries, but Owen preferred to just eat them off the tree rather than fill up his bucket. We then moved onto the peaches and picked our 5 free ones and then an additional 10 pounds because if you bought ten pounds or more, they dropped the price from $1.39 a pound to $.89 a pound! They are so fresh and it will take four or five days for them to ripen up, so it's a perfect way for us to have fresh fruit all week. The tomatoes were the last pick of the day and I'm excited to put them in salads since they'll probably be super sweet.

We got home and cooled off in the A/C and soon after, the doorbell rang. It was the UPS guy with two boxes: diapers and wipes from Amazon and my work equipment from AOL. The kids had a ball playing with the bubble wrap from my laptop and the box it all came in. 

I'm trading carefree summer days where we would decide what we were going to do each morning over a leisurely breakfast, for much more scheduled days in which Mommy works for four hours while they do activities with their new babysitter. But I'm so thankful for the opportunity. I'm just going to need to remind myself that I will still have the same precious moments with my littles, even if I won't be spending every single hour of the day with them like I used to before I went back to work.

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