Sunday, January 24, 2010

Swimmin' on a Sunday

It was a dreary Sunday here, so after church we decided to take Owen swimming at the Rec center. I decided to sit this one out and play photographer instead. Unfortunately, I made the crucial mistake of forgetting to put the memory card back into the DSLR camera after uploading them to my laptop and thus we were stuck taking pictures with our point-and-shoot.

He hasn't been swimming for about 5 months, but he picked right up where he left off and was splashing up a storm. Ben's eyes loved this.

They practiced backstroke for a few minutes:

Then it was time for Owen to really get his face wet.

You guessed it. I had a mini-heart attack and yelled to Ben that he needed to stay closer to him.

Ben didn't listen to me ~ here's the proof:

But hey, at least they were having fun, right???

Then they did the slide about 10 times. Owen got so brave that Ben would let go of him and he would land under water at the bottom of the slide before Ben would quickly scoop him up. So fun!

In true terrible 2's fashion, we had a mini-tantrum upon pulling Owen away from the pool. However, it was short-lived, thank goodness. We went home to have lunch and a nap and then spent the remainder of the afternoon watching football and relaxing in our pj's. What a nice way to spend a Sunday. :)