Monday, September 12, 2011

Owen learns to ride

My friend Andrea recently posted about how Olivia has been riding her tricycle outside lately, and she's really been having fun with it. When I saw her video, I remembered that we had given Owen a trike for his 2nd birthday, and he had not yet learned how to ride it. I guess I thought he may have been traumatized by the little accident last year when he took off down the driveway without a helmet on. I guess I wasn't super excited about it because of that, and had kindof forgotten about the trike.

Today was the perfect afternoon to put Vivi in the Bjorn and walk over to our little playground to teach Owen how to ride his trike. The playground has a big tennis court and a basketball court, which are perfect for trike riding because they're nice and flat. There were kids on the tennis court, so we took over the basketball court. I gave him a few pushes from behind, told him to push the pedals, and he would go a few feet. After awhile he really got the hang of it and could keep himself going and even start from a stop on his own. He picked up on it so quickly - I was very impressed!

It taught me that kids are resilient and they easily forgive and forget. So I shouldn't hold off on something they would really enjoy because of something that happened in the past. Because chances are, they've long forgotten about it. :)

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